Preferred Membership (Single Person)

$40.00 on the 1st of each month

$60 to sign up

$40/month for 12 months

$60 if you cancel early.

First payment prorated. Next payment: March 1, 2025

Initial Sign up Cost:

By purchasing a preferred membership you authorize Ship City Fitness LLC to charge your account in the amount of $60 plus the prorated amount in this billing cycle.

Recurring Payment Amount:

By purchasing a preferred membership you authorize Ship City Fitness LLC to charge your account  in the amount of 41.80 on the 1st  day of every month for your membership.

Contract Agreement:

This purchase is an agreement between yourself and Ship City Fitness starting on the day you make the purchase the membership and ending exactly 12 months from the purchase date. A membership may be voluntarily terminated after the contract has ended upon delivery of written notification to Ship City Fitness and satisfaction of membership fees charged for the following month. Ship City Fitness does not accept termination by phone or by person-to-person communication. A membership, however, may be involuntarily terminated by Ship City Fitness as described in the Agreement.

Membership Continuations: 

If you do not terminate your membership in writing before the 20th of the last month in your contracted period, your membership will automatically extend and continue on a monthly basis until it is terminated. Memberships that continue on a monthly  basis after the contracted period may be terminated in writing by the Twentieth (20th) of any subsequent month. Prorated refunding of dues will not be provided.

Contract Cancellation:

You have the option to cancel your membership before your contract expires by submitting a written request to Ship City Fitness. If you choose to cancel your membership any month within the contracted period, you will be responsible for a $60 cancellation fee. Note that cancellation fees do not extend further than one year from contract start date.

Nonpayment - Acceleration of Balance:

Monthly dues, in consideration for membership privileges, are due on the first day of each month (Monthly), or the first of the month corresponding to the month of sign up (Yearly). Membership privileges will be suspended if monthly dues are not received by the tenth (10th) of the month until membership account is brought back to a current status (including associated late fees and bank fees where applicable). If your payment bounces than you are responsible for reimbursing Ship City Fitness any acquired fees upon the next attempt to acquire payment. If your membership is terminated for nonpayment, you will be obligated for any and all dues associated with your membership contract. Ship City Fitness may terminate a membership for nonpayment if the membership has lapsed thirty (30) days past the month in which dues were to be paid. If a membership is terminated for nonpayment, the remaining balance of monthly dues as defined by this contract shall accelerate automatically and the full amount thereof shall be due and payable to Ship City Fitness

Failure to Abide by Rules and Regulations:

Ship City Fitness may terminate any membership at any time for failure to abide by the rules and regulations. Ship City Fitness shall undertake to provide any such members with advance notice of a failure to abide by the rules and regulations prior to termination of membership. Ship City Fitness may terminate any membership without advance notice if said members actions/failure of actions threaten the health, safety or welfare of any other member, visitor or the premises.

Assumption of Risk and Release of Liability:

There are inherent dangers and the possibility of injury involving the use of training and exercise equipment and other activities as a member of any fitness center, including those at Ship City Fitness. To any extent that you lack knowledge regarding the use of any equipment, you should consult with a Ship City Fitness staff member prior to the use of such equipment. In all cases, you assume the risks inherent in training and exercising at Ship City Fitness and release Ship City Fitness from any and all claims arising from injury or otherwise. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive the termination/cancellation of your membership.

By purchasing this membership you acknowledge that you have read the above provisions, understand your rights and responsibilities and agree to be legally bound thereby and by all membership and payment documents. in effect, you have financed your membership fees for one year from the date of purchase and realize nonpayment of said membership dues is sufficient cause for Ship City Fitness to seek any and all legal remedies for collection of all amounts due to Ship City Fitness. By purchasing this membership you are agreeing to all clauses in this contract.